Looking for mind-blowing effects? 🤯 Explore Slider Revolution's advanced WebGL animations

Example Usage:

<!-- BEGIN SLIDE -->
<li data-transition="fade">
    <img src="assets/images/notgeneric_bg5.jpg" alt="Ocean" class="rev-slidebg">
    <!-- TEXT LAYER -->
    <!-- Replace "Custom-Layer-Style-Class" with your chosen Layer Class from above -->
    <div class="tp-caption tp-resizeme Custom-Layer-Style-Class"

Load the custom Layer style's Google Font:

Many of the Layer styles use Google Fonts.  Search for your desired Class name inside “revolution/css/layers.css” to see what font-family is being used:

Grab the Google Font from fonts.google.com

And then load it inside the head section of your web page.

Popular Solutions

[ess_grid alias="wp-popular-solutions"]
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